Sunday, November 18, 2012

Books: True Vines, By Diana Strinati Baur

I should be packing. I really really must. I leave for Italy in just a few days and there is the Thanksgiving holiday before that, which will be wonderful and consuming. So, I really have to pack! But I'm not. Because in all my free time I've been reading a wonderful novel, True Vines, written by my friend Diana Strinati Baur. This is the first time that I personally know the author of a book. Diana, I hope you will take this as a compliment when I say that I very quickly forgot I was reading your book, the book of a friend, as I quickly became so completely engrossed in the story and the characters. I've read it in Starbucks... I've read it while waiting for friends at restaurants... and at home, when I should be packing!   (  continued...  )

So, although the book does not have anything to do with Stresa, I am recommending it here, as it does take place, at least half of it, in the hills of Piemonte. The other half takes place in Pennsylvania, so yes, another reason that I can relate to it. You will also relate strongly with it if you have, as I do, one foot in Italy and the other in America (or other 'English' countries too I imagine). The cultural differences between these places are vast, and Diana nails them so well, explaining from her own experience much that I don't quite fully get yet. It is not one of those 'everything in Italy is great and relaxed and they love life and drink a lot of wine' stories. And that's what I like about it. And her characters are real, and flawed, and make mistakes, and most have had some really tough stuff to handle. Who can't relate to that as well? And there is a complex and wonderful story tying this all together. 

I understand the book is available in many formats now; through Amazon, for iPad, Kindle, Nook, etc. So, while I am trying to prepare for Thanksgiving and then Italy, I am leaving you with this recommendation. Read it, and then let me know what you think. 

Here's the link to True Vines on Amazon.